Recently I was invited by Damian Burcher, a wedding photographer based in the Midlands, to come and give a little introductory seminar on Beloved to photographers local to him. We ended up having quite a nice turnout with people coming from further afield as well. It was such a lovely group, open to new ideas and clearly excited about how Beloved could help them with capturing authentic emotion in their subjects.
I also did a short demonstration with the beautiful Sharon and his Trevor, who both melted all our hearts. Thank you guys for being such good sports and for giving so much in front of a big group of people!
I am so happy and excited to see Beloved starting to make proper waves in the UK, and I just love the feeling that every photographer I can get excited about this interaction technique will go on to facilitate heartfelt moments for their clients, it feels like sowing little seeds of goodness into the world and getting to watch something beautiful grow.
Thank you for the seminar Marianne, it was such a privilege watching you work and learning about the concept. I have always tried to encourage natural interaction & emotion during the couples portraits on a wedding day, but to see you working with the beloved technique has given extra (and powerful) tools up my sleeve, and I cannot wait to try them out and see the pure results.
You’re an inspiration…and really very lovely! Only wish I’d had chance to chat to you afterwards :)
Thanks again,
Jo x
I’m so pleased I came along to the seminar Marianne! Thank you so much for sharing Beloved with us. I think the images really speak for themselves in how good both you and beloved is in getting great natural and heartfelt expressions and allowing couples to really enjoy the whole experience along with it. I can’t wait until my next shoot now!
‘Touch’ is a vey powerful thing. When shooting couples it’s always a good idea to look at what their hands are doing and not just their expressions. Something I learnt I long time ago….
Wow! Marianne :) It was amazing watching you work and then now seeing the results! Amazing thank you, thank you, thank you for an inspiring boost. I really look forward to introducing beloved into my photography.
Wow. Thanks Marianne. They look fantastic, you can almost feel the love. It was a great afternoon and I know it’s going to help me get better portraits.
Thanks for sharing your enthusiasm with us Marianne. I really enjoyed meeting you and hearing you talk about Beloved and it’s so clear to see that you believe in it and live it right to the very core.
I find your work with couples really inspiring and I can’t wait to start my own little Beloved ball rolling in my work :-)
Hopefully our paths will cross somewhere down the line!
Howard – not the one from Essex (North!!) in the red fleece. The other one ;-)
Thank you so much Marianne…it was amazing to attend the seminar & I came away inspired.
Amazing pictures! Thanks so much for sharing your knowledge, it was great to see the techniques in action and get a little peek into how you work. Sharon and Trevor were so sweet and the photos capture them perfectly.. Can’t wait to give it a go myself :)
Very inspiring seminar Marianne, loved it & learnt a lot now from both sides of the camera. Thank you for sharing your wonderful outlook on life, & knowledge. Beautiful images!
Beautiful photos and amazing light, I hope to attend one of your seminars one day!
Just lovely!!! So nice that you didn’t use the standard 20 something couple!
these are beautiful, had never seen these before!
Wow! Cute Couple and their cute and adorable photography.