Rose & Brendan’s Southwark engagement session was so much fun. It was the first truly warm day of this spring (even if the temperature has taken a turn for the worse since then) and we even had a few rays of sunshine to brighten up our day. After the looooong, dark and cold winter we’ve had in London, it really felt good to be out and about without being dressed for an arctic expedition. I’m so looking forward to Rose and Brendan’s wedding in June, which, with Rose’s fashion designer credentials, is bound to be absolutely beautiful.
Oh yes, I almost forgot to mention, they also get a gold star for being the first couple ever who jumped perfectly on the first shot! :D
Such cool perspectives–the fact that it’s so casual makes it really fun.
You do great work Marianne
Loving this session – there’s really too many favorites for me to name just a couple! Great emotions and wonderful processing. :)
Love how simple and elegant this engagement session is. The idea to use the hearts as props is genius. Loving the great composition and good use of natural light.
Beautiful shot and processed images
Quite beautiful. So modern and clean.
You always produce the most beautiful images. What a gorgeous couple.
Whaaaaaaat???? This whole set is off the hook. So many little clever poses. They’re really cute together too!
Cool images! Love the intimacy, emotion and natural warmth that you’ve captured in these images! What a beautiful engagement series!
You constantly amaze me Marianne. You truly have some of the most beautiful work I have seen and I loooooove your processing! It has a great feel to it and it is clean, which I love. What a gorgeous couple…I am in love with her shoes…they are killer! :)
Marianne, you never fail. These are really cool: what a good-looking couple and what brilliant spots you’ve found too. Lovely work as usual.
Love love love this couple’s style. It goes totally great with your style of shooting! You really did a great job with the posing in particular with them, they look cool and natural in all of the pictures.
Love these, Marianne. Fantastic stuff!
I have been waiting to see the rest of these since you posted the sneak peek !! All I can say is stunning, simply stunning!!
GORGEOUS! There is not 1 image I don’t love. The bride to be is simply beautiful as well. LOVE! Can’t wait to see the wedding! :)
Just…. stunning!!!! I truely admire your style. You have such a gift of transfering the emotion of your subjects to your veiwers. I can really feel the affection and light-heartedness here. Phenominal!
Great serie ! Bravo !